Thank you for your interest in pursuing a summer position at Breezemont Day Camp. Staff members come to us from all walks of life, parts of the county, and the world, looking for meaningful leadership experiences and lifelong memories. Our staff is committed to impacting the lives of children while becoming supportive friends and role models to their campers. We believe that working at Breezemont will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life!
We are dedicated to helping our staff enhance their skills and gain valuable organizational experience that will be useful in future endeavors and careers. We provide opportunities to develop leadership techniques, creativity, teamwork, problem-solving skills, and empathic listening. As a staff member, you will be able to work with children both individually and in a group setting, while strengthening your interpersonal skills. The lasting connections that Breezemont campers make with their counselors are invaluable.
If you are ready to work and play hard, learn more about yourself, meet new friends, spend your summer outdoors, have your nights and weekends off, and make an excellent competitive camp salary – all at the same time – then you should apply to work at Breezemont Day Camp! Staff members are hired for their ability to be empathic, patient, organized, enthusiastic, responsible, and encouraging.
Please review the available positions and fill out an application if you are interested in pursuing employment opportunities at Breezemont Day Camp. Can can also find our pay transparency policy here. We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to adding talented staff members to our wonderful Breezemont Family!
It is so much more! Camp is a place where our staff will be able to have fun, learn, grow, gain skills, socialize, build their resume, and more — all while being paid!
We don’t think of camp simply as a job, but instead as a place where staff will develop who they are further. Staff members end the summer having had an unforgettable experience, acquired new skills and adding some money to their bank accounts 🙂
Whether this is the best summer of your child’s life or a tough summer for them, it is going to be a summer that they will never forget and one where they are going to learn and grow!
It is okay for them to work hard and for it to be uncomfortable – that is them growing!
We promise that we will be there to listen, coach and support them along the way.
Camp really is the best internship in the world! While many might want to get an internship in their future field, we advocate for camp being the perfect internship and summer job!
Camp provides staff with a fun environment where they can learn and grow. Staff working at camp not only earn money and have fun, but they also learn pertinent skills that they can apply to their future careers as well as soft skills and life skills that simply aren’t taught in the classroom.
What companies like Google, Facebook, etc, are looking for in their staff is exactly what we teach our staff at camp: communication, empathy, critical thinkers, collaboration, problem solving, social responsibility, leadership — the last item on their list of things they are looking for (and it really is the last item on their list) is skill in STEM…
College admissions counselors are impressed by students who spend their summers working. They can infer that applicants are responsible, mature, capable of making a commitment and can manage their time—all skills that will serve them well in college. The specific job(s) applicants include on their applications also showcase personal attributes, skills and interests. This is the information an admissions counselor needs to determine who will be a good fit for the college and how he/she will contribute to the campus community. When filling out a college application, students should think about what they want admissions counselors to know about themselves and intentionally describe their summer jobs to clearly deliver this message.
These are just some of the relevant skills that staff learns and develops at camp. What staff gets to learn about themselves, others, and holding a job is an endless list!
Communication is a key skill learned at camp – talking with others effectively, exchanging information, and connecting with campers, peers and supervisors are something that happens all of the time at camp. Staff will have the opportunity to learn how to communicate with others politely, effectively, and face to face (not behind the screen of a phone)!
Empathy is a capacity that staff learns at camp as they learn to understand and share the feelings of others — both like them and different from them. Staff will gain empathy for their co-counselors, supervisors, and their campers as they spend the day in and day out with them and learn about their backgrounds, ideals, and more.
Critical thinkers are developed at camp as the staff is put into circumstances where they are forced to analyze and evaluate situations and subsequently form a judgment and take action. No matter what activity staff and campers are at (the pool, archery, or soccer) staff will need to critically think in clear, rational ways – informed by evidence and act upon their thinking. Staff is supervised by ‘coaches’ instead of managers that help them through this process both in the moment and during reflection.
Collaboration is a necessary skill for the workplace in the 21st century and it is on display every day here at camp! Staff work alongside and with each other in order to craft and create the best day possible (safe and fun) for their campers. Without collaboration, camp simply would not function.
Problem-solving is imperative for our staff to hone and develop. It is a skill that staff learns as they need to find solutions to complex problems, issues, disagreements, etc, on a minute-to-minute basis at camp. Practicing this skill to the extent that staff does at camp allows them to end the summer being masters of solving problems!
Social responsibility is an obligation to ethical behavior by a person or company. We at Breezemont Day Camp are proud to say that our company has a strong social responsibility program and our staff is able to learn the importance of social responsibility all the time! Since staff is working with youth, they have the opportunity to learn what it feels like to ‘give back’ — although many of our campers come from well to do families, the feeling of helping a camper learn a new skill or come out of their comfort zone is just amazing! Staff also have the opportunity to work with campers who are awarded a scholarship to attend camp, help with charitable giving during our BZMT Gives Back Week, and learn about a charity extremely close to our heart: Project Morry
Leadership is something not often taught or learned in schools. The only way to gain the important skill of leadership is by practicing it and by getting experience leading others. At camp, the staff is given the opportunity to lead campers who are younger than them as well as be a leader and role model for their peers.
Many may quickly dismiss the idea of camp being a great resume builder…but on the contrary, camp is an amazing addition to a resume – or even a great place to start a resume!
This summer we are not only providing staff with great resources regarding writing camp jobs on resumes, but we will also be holding a Resume Building Session where we will help staff create or improve their resumes!
During the BZMT Resume Building Session we will cover a number of topics including phrasing of camp jobs, resume set up and how to write a cover letter. Here is a sneak peek about what a great camp based cover letter might include:
“I understand that hiring new college graduates is a challenge. Many recent graduates lack the skills that you require to succeed in your workplace, especially communication, collaboration, and leadership skills. When you look at my resume, you will see that I worked at Breezemont Day Camp as a counselor. You may be initially inclined to discount this as a light job. Let me suggest that my time at camp is one of the reasons I will be effective for you. As a counselor, I honed my teamwork and communication skills on a daily basis. I was able to practice leadership with a group of 12-18 children. These experiences will help me shine at [company name]. I look forward to talking with you about this.”
Check out how one of our former employees included his BZMT summer job on his resume!
We even offer bonuses for staff that get their friends to work at camp! The amount for these bonuses is listed on the contract.
And on top of all of this, our staff get paid, have the opportunity to earn hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars in bonuses, have fun, and have access to many, many perks!
We look forward to working with your child/our newest employee. We promise to treat your child with the utmost respect and in a professional manner. Due to this potentially being your child’s first job, working at Breezemont this summer is a great opportunity for them to learn and grow. As such, we are happy to help in any way and would be happy to discuss any pertinent matters with you — feel free to reach out to us at any time; both before and/or during the Summer! Please remember that this is not only a summer job for them, but a pathway to their future 🙂